Low fps low gpu usage
Low fps low gpu usage

low fps low gpu usage

I use Hwinfo and Riva stats to check the usages - not windows task manager. Is there any possible way to use more GPU usage and gain more FPS? I have 144hz monitor so I want to have more FPS than I have now because it seems to be really strange. CPU has 50-70% usage depends on the place so there is no bottleneck. I found a few topics on this forum but nothing helped me, I tried reisntall the game, uninstall AI3Suite(yes I have asus mobo and I had it installed) and do in-place upgrade, use high performance mode in Nvidia control panel but nothing helps. However, on the very new Immortal map sadly my fps drops below 60fps very easy and can NEVER reach 120fps. It is strange that I can't reach more than 70% of GPU usage and my FPS is at such low level especially I saw many youtubers with the same PC spec and they have more FPS than me. well I was mostly happy about the recent performance as the game rarely ever drops below 60fps (but still goes below 120 VERY easily which is noticable). I'm running Cyberpunk on 1440p with all settings at Ultra/Psycho, DLSS is ON at Balanced option and of course RT is also ON.

low fps low gpu usage

My problem is that I can't reach more than 70% of GPU usage and more than 60FPS - in city I've got 40-50fps and only on Badlands I can reach 60fps but it drops 50-60.

Low fps low gpu usage